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Work with us!
Joining GUSS is a great way for students to boost their skills, enhance their CVs, and get more from their formal learning by seeing how it is applied in real software engineering projects. Working with GUSS can be the beginning of an exciting journey into working with a growing start-up, getting involved in world-leading research, or enhancing your business skills and knowledge for when you graduate.
GUSS regularly has opportunities for both undergraduate and post-graduate students in computing science and related disciplines. We currently hire our developers from the University of Glasgow. We also hire students with strong design skills and experience from other universities or colleges in the UK.
We typically hire most of our students at 3 key points in the year.
· At the start of each semester (September and January)
· At the beginning of the summer recess (May)
However, opportunities can arise throughout the year, so please keep an eye out on our website, on the Careers page of the School of Computing Science Moodle, the University Careers Service, or just send us your CV with a short covering letter on our email :
Find out more about what working for GUSS is like from our student testimonies below.
“I’ve learned a lot about the process of working with clients and how to manage expectations to keep everything realistic. So that over-promising can be avoided. Working at GUSS I also was able to refine my web development skills as the project I worked on was entirely web development.”
Luke Holland
Software Developer
“I feel really prepared for the industry because GUSS has provided me with the necessary experience required for my future job role. GUSS also gives you a really good sense of the importance of time management and the ability to track your contract hours for a project.”
Kelci Hilferty
Digital Designer